Disclaimer: The content included in this post may be sponsored and/or contain affiliate links. But don’t worry, guys! It’s still me and you know I don’t mess around! Everything in here is still my thoughts/opinions, etc!
YOU GUYS! I just got my new Muse Cold Wire Technology Pillows and GUESS WHAT! I have been sleeping! This may sound weird because, duh, everyone sleeps. Literally every day. Or at least most days. But, for as long as I can remember, I have always had the hardest time falling asleep and staying asleep. Sometimes (like at least once a week) I don’t even fall asleep until after 3am … and wake up again at 4 and struggle to fall back asleep. It is SO FRUSTRATING TO BE SO TIRED ALL THE TIME YET STILL UNABLE TO SLEEP. IT IS SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE MOST FRUSTRATING THINGS IN MY LIFE. Especially because my husband is literally the opposite – he can fall asleep immediately and does not wake up for anything.
Side note: when my husband was in high school outside of Atlanta, a tree fell into his bedroom during a storm, and he was getting rained on, and he didn’t even wake up. Now THAT is the kind of sleep I want!
So, I haven’t found the complete magic cure, but what I can tell you is that I have found a partial magic cure, which helps me stay asleep once I’ve fallen asleep! Muse Sleep – a sleep company that makes mattresses, pillows, and mattress protectors. They have a special “Cold Wire Plus” cooling specialize in “cooling” technology, so you never have to wake up drenched in sweat or unable to sleep because you’re too hot. And let me tell you – I was hooked once I read this.
I’m usually a “cold” person, except at night. We let our two large dogs sleep in the bed, and my husband is an extremely “hot” sleeper. So, needless to say, it gets uncomfortably warm in my bed. And this is probably TMI, but even before the dogs, my husband has always been super disgustingly sweaty when he sleeps. Like he will wake up and, if I didn’t know him, sometimes I’d think he literally peed the bed because its so wet from sweat. Sorry, that grossed me out even just typing it.
Anyway, I got my hands on two of these pillows – extra low height for me, medium height for my husband, based on our sleep quiz results (more on that below) – and I couldn’t believe how well they work. They are seriously ALWAYS COLD. Sometimes they are so cold that I think they are wet and have to do a double take. My husband swears by it.
UPDATE: We lost power during Hurricane Irma, and these pillows were even more game-changing, because without any air conditioning, it was so hot in the house and I literally do not know how I would have slept at all without my Muse pillow.
Besides actually working and being super cooling, another super awesome thing is the Muse sleep quiz. Because I’ve historically always been a “bad” sleeper, one of the biggest challenges for me when I looking for products to help me sleep better was that I didn’t know what I was looking for! I didn’t know what sort of products I need or want that will help me sleep better.
Thankfully, Muse had a quiz to help me. I just answered a few questions, and it recommended what was right for me. The quiz covers everything from how many people sleep on the bed, your body type (and your partner’s, if applicable), mattress firmness/softness, sleep temperature, and how well you sleep (for me, the answer was “sheep counter” — insert eye roll and groan here… especially because the next question was about my husband, who (I’m not even kidding) is asleep in under 30 seconds and doesn’t wake up until the alarm goes off).
Once your done with the quiz, you get recommendations for a mattress, a pillow for you and, if applicable, a pillow for you significant other! It’s seriously that easy!
Thanks very nice blog!